If Only I Were Blond and Had a Dollar for Every Time…

Here’s for a good laugh at my expense.  For Christmas I got a hands free head thing for my cell phone.  I was pretty excited about this because I hate trying to fumble with my phone while driving (not that I’m incredibly popular and on the phone a lot but still).  Well, I hadn’t opened it until today and I tried putting the plug in the phone and it wouldn’t work.  So I’m thinking, well that totally figures.  Now I have to run down to the Sprint store and see if I can get it exchanged for one compatable with my phone.  So I go on down there and expain the whole thing and the guy picks up my phone and the plug and it goes right in without any problems.  And do you know why?  Because I had been trying to plug it into the socket where my charger goes and not where the headset is supposed to go.  Now that really figures.  I, of course, felt and looked like a total moron and tried to salvage any dignity I imagined might be there by joking it off with the guy by saying “Genius!  You fixed it.  Too bad you can’t fix moments like these.  Good grief.”